Today's prefix is circum from the Latin word meaning around round or about. The first word that comes to mind is circumference but here are some more words beginning with circum.
circumference (noun) - enclosing boundary, especially of a circle. Circumference is also the distance around a circle (calculated as Radius times two times Pi). Read more at Wikipedia.
circumlocution (noun) - a roundabout expression or evasive talk, characterised by talking around the subject but failing to get to the point.
circumscribe (verb) - to enclose an area by drawing a line around it. Another meaning is to lay down the limits of something or to be restricted by, for example, "Our sightseeing was circumscribed by lack of time".
circumspect (adjective) - cautious, taking everything into account. In other words, considering all sides of a situation.
circumstantial (adjective) - giving full details, for example, circumstantial evidence. However, circumstantial can also indicate a conclusion by inference from known facts hard to explain otherwise. Perhaps this is because evidence from all around the situation was examined?
circumvent (verb) - to evade a difficulty, or to find a way around. For example, "we circumvented the problem of the broken-down car, by walking".
A circus is a travelling show of performing acrobats, clowns and animals, ussually performed in a ring shaped arena. The Romans called this a circus, which is Latin for ring. Read more about circuses at Wikipedia.
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